Today I was downtown at a cafe trying my hand at sketching in the digital world when this man walked by. He had a great look about him and I only had a moment to commit his image to memory before he passed out of view. Just after I finished sketching him he passed by again and I was able to check my work. It was a fun exercise that I'll be doing a lot more of.
Hi Paton
Cool beans! You really get a sense of what this guy looked like.
Great exercise that..I've done it with my sketch book, but not with a tablet. Must try that soon. What are the young kids calling it..."cafe drawings?"
I was drawing in a coffee shop one day, years ago, and the guy I was drawing across the room came over and demanded payment!!
I bought him a coffee eventually, but he was really upset that I had violated his privacy.
One must be subtle sometimes while sketching strangers. It makes some folks uncomfortable.
I've found most people like it though.
Great advice Willy. This guy was just passing by so I didn't get a chance to stare at him too long.
Thanks for stopping by.
Muy buenos tus dibujos! muy simpáticos y graciosos. Voy a seguir entrometiéndome en tu blog.
Sweeeet dude!!
Did you get his # for me??
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