Here is another painting that I did for my son's first birthday. This also is my 100th post on cardboardtreehouse.com I be sure to post more often with the aim of getting to the next 100 posts in a more timely fashion. I really had some fun with this fella, I think I'll make him into a sculpture sometime when I have an opportunity. This was my first painting in some time. I painted him with acrylic paint on a 8X8 canvas. Hope you enjoy him. I'll be doing more paintings over the next little while so check back soon.
Great stuff man. Really dig the simplicity. Reminds me a bit of Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends.
Congrats on the 100th post!
Nice stuff!!
Conrats on your boys'1st birthday. These are great days for you...enjoy them.
A year old?
Where does the time go?
Thanks Joel. I think I added up the posts wrong. I have 99 with one as a draft and when I made the new post it said I had 100. opps.
And hello to you Willy. Time sure does fly. The boy just stood up unassisted for the first time only a few minutes ago. Exciting times here at the Francis household. Hope all is well with you and yours.
Take care.
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